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La prise de rendez-vous se fait exclusivement par email ou par téléphone en expliquant bien l'objet de la consultation et en indiquant toutes vos coordonnées.

GSM : +32491936804

Rosangelica Arraiz

Cognitive behavioural psychologist

I'm a clinical psychologist passionate about human behaviour and well-being. I provide cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and use the applied behaviour analysis methodology. After thecompletion of my MSc degree in Clinical psychologist

I specialised in neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and adolescence, but I also have a strong interest in health psychology and I did research about chronicdiseases and stress coping. I enjoy observing what a person is capable of achieving during and after the therapeutic process, and it will be an honour for me to be able to help you and go together through this path of self-discovering.

I work with children, adolescents and adults in English and Spanish.